Experiential and Omnichannel Marketing

Experiential and Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

The Monk Report

Authored by

Ananya Shukla


Experiential Marketing (also known as “live marketing” or “event marketing experience”) is not just another work event where you meet and chat with people but is an entire experience. 

The idea is to create a memorable experience for the consumer that would encourage them to share it with their friends through online or offline channels.

Using all your channels to create a singular channel for a unified experience of your customers is Omnichannel Marketing. It includes traditional channels as well as the digital ones, point of sale, in store and online experiences.

Refinery29's Experiential Marketing

This report covers the brilliant use of Experiential Marketing by Refinery29. The lifestyle brand has been hosting its 29Rooms event for the past 3 years and the response has been overwhelming. The event consists of 29 Rooms all different from one another which require the audience to interact with each other and the brand through multi – sensory installations, performances and workshops.

Experiential Marketing in Numbers

Rate brand experiences more influential than TV ads
Consumers 93%
Rise in consumer perception towards company
CEOs 74%
Turn into loyal customers through experienital marketing
Consumers 70%
More likely to purchase after an experiential event
Consumers 98%

Omnichannel Marketing in Numbers

Rise in purchase rate through omnichannel strategy
0 %
Brand engagement for a single channel strategy
Brand engagement for 3 channel market strategy

Disney's Omnichannel Marketing

Disney’s marketing strategy is an exemplar for omnichannel marketing strategy. The experience at Disneyland begins with the website, continues through the app and the Magic Wristband . All your needs are met through the wristband and it also collects your data for enhancing your experience at Disneyland in the future.

What makes for a strong digital omnichannel market strategy?

Strong SEO

Influencer Marketing

Big Social Media presence

Paid Campaigns